Jin had a showcase performance on Friday, February 25 in Germany’s “Big Apple”, Wiesbaden.
According to “eyewitnesses”, Jin could not move the crowd of less than 200 people. After he performed some of his songs according to HHDX’s “bouncing” source “He was losing the crowd…so he had to rap on Fabolous and Kanye tracks…otherwise the few people would have lost their interest!!!”
Plus according to the HHDX source someone identified as “Mac” who also stated that he was Jin’s brother was the backup MC. The source went onto say that “Jin’s so-called
manager…at least he said so, when he introduced himself, was the DJ too!?!?”
As witnesses watched the night just got worse…as Jin’s “manager/ DJ” accousted Jeffrey L. King, one of Germany’s movers and shakers in the Hip Hop Publishing and Fashion industry…because King gave the “so-called” manager a business card and not a personal number, stating to King “You got me on the wrong foot man…do you know who I am”, according to HHDX sources no one did know who he was.

Witnesses went onto state that the manager then proceeded to take off his chain and want to fight King. Our source stated “I’ve never, never seen something unprofessional like that before!!!! And while King and Jin’s supposed manager are arguing, Jin was talking to a Groupie!”
Many were wondering after the disappointing performance and altercation that followed, what exactly was so “ruff” about Jin in Germany? Jin apparently stated in an interview before the ill-fated performance that he “hates the music industry” and wants to settle down by 25.
According to HHDX’s source Jin was not paid for the showcase that was to debut him to German Hip Hop fans.