The days of Young Buck and 50 Cent working together are firmly a thing of the past, but the former G-Unit rappers are still widely recognized for what they contributed to Hip Hop culture.
In 2002, they unleashed their first mixtape 50 Cent Is The Future, but it was Fiddy’s 2003 debut solo effort Get Rich Or Die Tryin’ that took things to a whole other level. During a recent interview with VladTV, Buck took a trip down memory lane and explained how the GRODT track “Blood Hound” led to a record deal with G-Unit Records, ultimately altering Buck’s path forever.
“Out of nowhere bro, I got this call bro, from Sha Money, through CeeLo,” Buck said. “CeeLo had called me and was like, ‘Yo bro, Sha Money just called and asked about some record you was playing.’ And I was like, ‘The record I was playing on the bus?’ He was like, ‘Yeah, bro. 50 wants to buy that record and put it on his album.’
“I never in my life sold a record in my life, I didn’t know what the fuck to charge him or ask for in regard to that. At that time, I was like, ‘Hell yeah bro, let’s do it.’ CeeLo kind of played manager in a sense of setting that record up with them and that record ended up being ‘Blood Hound’ from 50 Cent’s Get Rich Or Die Tryin’.”

Buck was pleased 50 decided to keep his verse and simply add two more to it. That’s when he was offered a deal.
Since then, 50 and Young Buck have become sworn enemies to the point where Fiddy wants to erase G-Unit from his memory. In September, Fiddy sat down for an interview with DJ Whoo Kid for his WHOOARMY Live YouTube show and was asked if he’d ever want to bring the G-Unit story to film.
“I don’t care to do that,” he responded. “I’d like to forget G-Unit.”

Get Rich Or Die Tryin’debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and placed 50 Cent among the great pantheon of talented rappers. It was also the best-selling album of 2003 in the United States and nominated for Best Rap Album at the 46th Grammy Awards.
Earlier this year, it was certified 9x-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and was named among Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.
Revisit “Blood Hound” featuring Young Buck.