Bink sought to get his just due for creating Kanye West’s “Devil In A New Dress” beat while fans celebrated the track on social media. But the veteran producer’s search for proper recognition led to a full-fledged Twitter beef with Mike Dean, the other man responsible for the song’s production.
“Why these people insist on leaving me out of my own shit is plain disrespectful!” Bink wrote on Friday (November 22). “Thank you for noticing!”
But that same day, Dean commented, “I made the whole section.” After seeing this, Bink went off on Saturday (November 23).
“This whole section is based off wtf was already there mf!” he fired back at Dean. “You were merely a fucking musician on this shit plus I didn’t put u on the record you forced ya self in the mix! I don’t need u or ye to finish none of my shit! Foh lame.”

Bink continued venting on Twitter, sparking a back-and-forth exchange with Dean.
“These mfs wanna give Kanye and @therealmikedean all the credit for MY CREATION so bad!!!” he wrote. “find one more record like that in either one of their catalogs!! I’ll wait!!”
Dean replied, “Bink u def killed the beat. Get outta here! I see u mentioned a lot. But I did take it to another dimension with the switch up.”
Bink tweeted, “Fuck you! To all these stupid ass platforms that left me out of my record for the 9th year in a row! No excuse!! Plain disrespectful! @therealmikedean has never done anything like this in his career BY HIMSELF!”

Dean responded, “Why the hate. U never did anything like that by yourself either fam. It’s magic. Like we said when we met up with ross.”
As the conversation progressed, the producers became more heated.
“Amazing how u sit up here and accept the credit for my fucking record and not correct the people @therealmikedean well I’m a do it for you!” Bink declared.
Dean fired back, “Also to be honest since your being assholish. The switch up and is the thing that makes the beat does y’all. Besides that it’s a sample with some drums. Oh ya I played the bassline over the sample throughout too. The things I wake up to and the disrespect is real.”

He added, “On what. I did the bassline.layered strings they shole@song . And evisioned created and played every instrument u hear in the breakdown not to mention mixed it. Song would be a flat sample loop throughout with some Kontakt drums over them without me. Get real folks. We all magi.”
Bink didn’t take the comment lightly, blasting the song’s mixing and calling Dean a liar.
“Mix was HORRIBLE!!” he wrote. “I’ve always said that!!! My 2track fucks your entire mix up! You replaying what i already had ain’t writing mf! You don’t get down like me period!! Your ye’s boy period! I didn’t and don’t need u on my shit! Ya lame ass lying.”
Amid the exchanges, the two producers argued and debated with fans on Twitter. Dean appeared to downplay Bink’s work, claiming the beat wouldn’t have made the cut on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy without the involvement of Kanye’s longtime engineer.

As the arguments rolled on, the bickering between the two didn’t ease up and eventually spilled over into Sunday (November 24) as Bink reacted to some of Dean’s other remarks.
Bink deleted a tweet that Dean claimed was “going racial” but had plenty more to say about his “Devil In A New Dress” co-producer.
“Your new name is Mr.Overdubb!!” Bink told Dean. “Foh pill head! I know u stay fucked up half the time so ya lame ass forgot who da fuck your talking to! I will mop the floor with u producing mf! Fuck u talking too.”
Dean directly responded to Bink’s apparent issue with the changes made to his beat by noting, “It’s Kanye album not yours. What happens to songs is his call.”

Bink chimed in, “And the lie detector test saids that too is a lie sir!! enjoy ya Sunday champ.”
The Grammy-winning producer also took one more shot at Dean to wrap up the Twitter saga.
“This FOSSIL actually said out of his nasty ass mouth that i never did a track like devil in a new dress without him!” he wrote. “Picture that! Where da fuck u think that whole style came from? You? Christopher Columbus ass mf! You ain’t discovered shit either.”
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