Kodak Black has a perfectly reasonable explanation for his recent arrest — GPS. According to TMZ, the Pompano Beach native says his navigation system led him into Canada where he was pulled over by border patrol and ultimately arrested for guns and marijuana.
He was attempting to drive from Detroit to Boston where he was expected to perform at The House Of Blues.
He reportedly entered the destination into his GPS, and it put him on the most direct route. Unknowingly, he was sent through Canada, New York and then onto Massachusetts. He evidently didn’t realize this until he was asked to present a passport.
During the search, authorities discovered a Glock 9mm pistol and weed in the Cadillac Escalade Kodak was driving. A Porsche traveling with Kodak’s team was also pulled over and searched. They found two loaded handguns and a third in the trunk along with more marijuana.

Kodak was released from Niagra County Jail on Wednesday (April 18) after posting a $20,000 bond. As he was leaving lockup, he shielded his face with stacks of cash.
[This article has been updated. The original article was published on April 18, 2019 and can be found below.]
Kodak Black failed to show up for a concert at Boston’s House Of Blues on Wednesday night (April 17) and now it’s clear why it was canceled last minute. According to The Blast, Niagara County Jail has confirmed the Pompano Beach native was in custody on a $20,000-$40,000 cash bond on charges of criminal possession of a weapon and unlawful possession of marijuana.
Kodak was arrested while crossing the Queenston–Lewiston Bridge, which crosses the Niagara River and serves as an international bridge between the United States and Canada.

Border officials stopped the Cadillac Escalade Kodak was driving and discovered marijuana and a Glock 9mm pistol. Nobody in the vehicle had declared the gun so they were all charged with it.

Another man in Kodak’s entourage named Jeantony Saintmelus was driving a Porsche, which was also pulled over. Authorities found two loaded handguns, a third one in the trunk and more marijuana.
After two hours of waiting, House Of Blues finally pulled the plug on the show, however Kodak’s fans weren’t told why. As a result, the Boston Police Department were forced to issue a notice to stay clear of the area due to the crowd getting “out of control.”
TMZ reports Kodak has been released from custody after posting a $20,000 bond.