Spike Lee released the trailer for his forthcoming film, Chi-Raqlast week. In an interview with ABC Chicago, the director explains what he hopes people get out of the film.
“What we hope to do with this film is to have some really, really have people be honest and stop putting their head in the sand act like it’s not happening and spark discussion, dialogue,” he says. “How can we give our young people hope? These young guys, they don’t have any hope. They don’t have any value in life.”
When asked about the criticism the trailer has received, especially from Chicago rappers saying the film falsely portrays their lives, Lee compares the situation to another historical time period.
“That sounds like those redneck crackers in the South,” the Brooklyn, New York director says, “when Civil Rights people come down to Mississippi or Alabama, ‘These rabble rousers come down here. We know how to treat our Negros good. We don’t need nobody else come up there tell us how to work with our Negros.’ Same type of mentality.”

To watch the interview, visit ABC Chicago.