During an interview with Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club earlier this month, Nicki Minaj’s ex-boyfriend Safaree Samuels alluded to helping the Young Money artist when it came to writing her rhymes.
“Every time it came to writing raps, it was me, her and the beat,” Samuels said during the interview, which took place on January 13. “It got to the point where the respect was gone. I’m the one who packed my stuff and left.”
Now, during a string of recent tweets posted to his Twitter account, Samuels admitted that he never wrote Nicki’s raps, adding that she’s more than capable of writing projects by herself.
“i wanna say 1 thing cuz ppl like to take bs and run with it..,” Samuels wrote on Twitter yesterday (January 28).

He continues: “if there was anything in my interview that came off the wrong way towards nicki i apologize and want ppl to kno that she was the best thing that ever happened to me and is a great person inside and out and the most talented person i kno.. and i never said i wrote her raps.
“she is wayyy more than capable of writing a album on her own without me!,” Safaree Samuels adds. “shes not a dumb person, so its easy for smart ppl to come up with the witty and smart things that she says! i dnt kno about other ppl but i kno when it comes to writing flow n delivery she is 1 of the best if not the best.she has her style i have mine. so stop saying i write her stuff! not true!!! she sits w/a pen&pad &does it herself!God bless.”
He wrapped up by saying, “and to you ignorant fans i really wish yall would leave me alone. yall are so miserable..let me build me and stop tryin to tear me down.”
His tweets can be seen below:

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