Madonna is not a happy camper. The pop icon is apparently suing both Dr. Dre and Mary J Blige for copyright infringement. Apparently, Madonna feels as if her 1983 hit song “Holiday” and the Dre, Eve, Mary collabo “Not Today” sound way to much alike. In fact she feels that it is so close that it might be a direct rip.
The song, which was on the soundtrack to “Barbershop 2”, became quite a popular hit that featured the trio of artists lending each other their respective talents. Court documents state allegations from the publishing company that “Not Today” includes instances of direct reproduction.
Judith Finell, an expert on copyright infringement and New York musicologist, compared the songs and concluded that the two songs do resemble each other enough to warrant further investigation.
Finell said: “Both the pitches and the rhythms sound closely related…I don’t think they’re identical because Madonna‘s song is in what we call ‘major key’ and Mary J. Blige‘s song is in a ‘minor key’.”

It’s quite funny that this suit surfaced almost two years after the song was originally released. But nonetheless, Madonna‘s publishers are looking to gain up to $15 million if the case goes to trial and ends up in their favor.