Earlier this week, Brooklyn Bodega sat down with legendary California emcee and Living Legends alum Murs. During the interview, Murs touched upon the topic of Malcolm X’s impact and legacy. He talked about how the famed activist affected his musical perspective and how Malcolm X’s life relates to conscious rap.

“A lot of conscious rappers will do strictly conscious,” he said. “[The Autobiography of Malcolm X] doesn’t leave out his negative years. He didn’t start like ‘I found the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and that’s my life’. He took you through the negative shit. So I’ll talk about [the negatives in my music]…yeah, I’ve fucked porn stars, I’ve fucked strippers, I’ve fucked prostitutes. [I’ve never] paid, but I’ve fucked girls that were prostitutes. I’ve smoked. I’ve drank. I’ve done everything you’ve done and now I’ve found this new way of living. I’m married, but you can’t share the light without the dark…Some of these conscious rappers, they like to drink. They like pepperoni pizza. I see them. They like white bitches. I see them. They chase pussy and everything, too….There’s a middle ground. There are regular muthafuckas that live everyday and love.”

The full interview with Murs can be read here.