Meek Mill was evidently in a charitable mood over the weekend and wanted to support some local Atlanta kids who were selling bottles of water on the street. But apparently handing six kids a $20 dollar bill and telling them to split it while driving a $400,000 car and wearing flashy jewelry isn’t the move.
Not only were the kids disappointed in Meek’s meager offering, but Twitter also went crazy shortly after he shared a video of the exchange to his social media and started condemning the Dream Chasers boss for being cheap.
In the clip, several kids wearing masks surround Meek’s car as he asks them, “What is we supporting though?” While they try to explain, one young man pleads with Meek and says, “But they not going to split it,” to which Meeks says, “Hey, you gotta split that money, man. That’s $20.” The disappointed looks on the kids’ faces says it all.
Meek shared the exchange on Twitter and wrote, “They appreciated it they just hustling kids.”

Nonetheless, Meek became a trending Twitter topic on Sunday night (December 6) and naturally, the reactions were split. New Orleans rapper Tokyo Vanity defended Meek, writing, “Y’all ever been to Atlanta? Them lil niggas agg as fuck, hand prints all over yo car, water bottle greasy and nasty and hot. I give them money all the time and let them keep the water. They are very ungrateful.”
She added, “They think if you give 1 nigga some money you gotta give them all some money. All them sell water on 1 block and think you gonna buy from all them at the same time the guck 1 nigga gonna do with 7 bottles of water? He paid $20 for 1 bottle of water that came outta a $3 case of 24. Respectfully, you got meek fucked up cause he ain’t even have to give them shit.”
But others weren’t so forgiving. “Wait so I’m confused,” one Twitter user wrote. “a millionaire who grew up poor and struggling gave 8 kids $20 so they can sell water on the side of the road to continue … struggling. And that seems logical to you?”

Par for the course, there were no shortage of memes and snarky comments regarding Meek’s gesture. Check some of them out below.