Twelve and half years ago marked the release of The Game’s classic debut, The Documentary and it holds sentimental value for a myriad of reasons.
One of those sentiments came courtesy of the CD booklet insert (remember those?) where the Compton native held his then infant first-born son, Harlem, marking the dawn of Jayceon Taylor becoming a superstar father.
Well if there’s one thing that time guarantees, it’s kids grow up. Friday (June 9) marked the eighth-grade graduation for young Harlem (now 13) and Game took a break from recording his upcoming Dr. Dre-featured LP because he couldn’t be any more of his valedictorian offspring.
“Inside my 1st album…. he weighed about 20 lbs…. wasn’t nothing to pick him up, hold him & stop his tears…. now he 6 foot tall & weigh damn near as much as me… oh the joy of being a daddy is something I’ve always wanted to share with the world….,” Game captioned in a photo where he was literally picking up his teenager.

“My relationship with him is so fuckin dope.. that’s literally my nigga (Denzel voice) ?????…. from #TheDocumentary baby to my almost 14 year old honor roll, valedictorian 8th grade graduate….. Shit, I’m just so proud of my boy y’all don’t even know man…… now here we come with 9th grade in September ???… highschool, we talkin highschool…. not middle school, highschool (Iverson voice)… he’s ready but I’m not…. I want my Lil son back lmaooooo… Bam Bam, yo daddy love you bruh…. to death… & I’d give my life in an instant to ensure yours is worry free !!!! Lil game growin up on us mannnnnn….. fuckkkkkkkk lol #Congratulations again boy (DC young fly voice) ???I love you – Daddy #OhAndWouldSomebodyDoAShoeCheckForMe #IsWeSwaggin #YeaISaidIsWe #Lol #ByeYall #JustHappyForMyBoy #RealFathersKnowTheFeeling”
The 37-year-old father of three thanked Harlem’s mother for blessing him with the gift of the child’s life. Harlem also appeared on the deluxe cover art for The Documentary and Doctor’s Advocate, the latter album being hailed Game’s “best album” by the artist himself.