What was merely an outing to a plush restaurant for Beyoncé hastily turned into an opportunity to gift the world with a new meme.
Beyoncé shared eight photos Wednesday (April 26), but it was one lone image that fans immediately deemed meme-worthy.
In the photo, a woman hovers over Beyoncé as the Houston songstress physically points out something that appears to be listed on a print menu. It’s also clear that Bey is telling the woman something as she peruses the options.
With this latest batch of memes, fans took the opportunity to lampoon Beyoncé’s celebrity as they gave their best attempt at deciphering what the singer said in her encounter with the woman.

The restaurant struggles of the average, non-Beyoncé person also received some shine.
Although none of the photos show Blue Ivy at the dinner, which was attended by Jay Z and DJ Khaled, the daughter of Bey and Hov and her apparent self-sufficiency did spur one particular meme.