
In the wake of approximately three million women marching in anti-Trump protests across all seven continents on Saturday (January 21), apparently, TDE’s Ab-Soul had a few questions. After proclaiming “feminists should be on my d***” for his Do What Thou Wiltalbum and calling it a “score” for The Women’s March, he proceeded to question the purpose of the protests.

Inquiries like, “What does equality of the sexes really mean to you?” and “What exactly are we fighting for?” littered his page as he seemed to wholeheartedly attempt to understand why women are so outraged at the Trump presidency. “I assure u this subject is dear to me, what steps can men take to genuinely support these notions?” he writes. Of course, countless women were happy (or maybe not so happy) to respond and listed reasons such as birth control rights, the right to not be sexualized, abortion rights, and equal pay as a handful of reasons to protest.

While he claimed he was “not anti-abortion,” he did suggest it’s up to both the woman and man to have sex responsibly unless rape is a factor. “Unless raped, a woman is just as responsible for the act than the man is,” he wrote before saying, “accidents do happen.”

Things take a turn when a particular Twitter user also speaks out against women being cat-called to which Ab-Soul replies, “You’d prolly b more frustrated if they didn’t cat call at all.” After that comment ignited yet another heated debate, he clarified he was merely using “sarcasm.”

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TDE President Terrence “Punch” Henderson eventually chimed in and called out Ab-Soul for his comments, warning him to “tread carefully.” Whether or not this Twitter exchange offered Soulo any insight into why The Women’s March actually went down in the first place remains to be seen, but for now, women are presumably still pissed.