Baton Rouge, Louisiana rapper Boosie Badazz shared some insight into the workings of the prison system, during a newly-published interview with Vlad TV.
When asked what he would change about the prison system, the Southern wordsmith revealed that he would change the three-strikes law. He went on to explain that there are prisoners in Louisiana who are locked up for life on minor drug charges.
Boosie then compared the experience at the prison where he served his time, the Louisiana State Penitentiary, to “real-life slavery.”
“I’d change the three-strikes law,” Boosie Badazz said. “You got over 500 prisoners in Louisiana in prison for life for the three strikes law and not violent crimes. I had dudes in there with me for three charges of marijuana, life in Louisiana. I had one dude in there, he had a minor drug charge, he had another drug charge. But his third charge was a lady was walking out the pawn shop and she dropped her necklace. He was walking in the pawn shop and picked it up. They got him on camera for stolen property and gave him life. He been in jail 21 years…I was in Angola. And these people got life sentences and still gotta go pick food, pick vegetables. It’s real-life slavery. Chained to each other. Walking 20 miles, digging ditches. After you already got life.”

Prior to speaking on the prison system, Boosie spoke on his children serving as his motivation while in prison. He added that during his time locked up, rap was last on his mind.
“My kids kept me motivated…The rap shit was last on my mind,” he said. “My mind was [on] getting back to those kids I gotta raise. Who mama need. Who need a daddy…It’s crazy. You could have all the money. I was in jail, my kids got everything for Christmas. But they was still sad cause they wanted daddy. Gifts ain’t everything when you ain’t got your daddy. You would think money buy everything, but it don’t. It ain’t buy them wanting their daddy more than $10,000 worth of gifts.”
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