Kyati Shah was not expecting to collide with Miguel’s leg during the Billboard Music Awards last month. When the acclaimed RCA Records singer missed a stage jump and leg-kicked the female concert goer, he did much more than embarrass himself. Shah’s attorney, Vip Bhola, is claiming that his client suffered head trauma that could possibly be linked to brain injury.

Bhola gave this statement: “Some of the difficulties she’s experiencing are cognitive in nature and lead to suspicion of a neurological head injury.” At the time of the collision, Billboard Music Awards staff reportedly provided Shah with an ice-pack. Her attorney believes she should have been rushed to the hospital.

Kyati is awaiting results from a neurologist in the next week before further measures are taken. Miguel and Billboard Music Awards reps did not respond to TMZ.

Following the collision, Miguel met with Kyati backstage for an interview by Billboard, in a video posted below:

RELATED: Miguel Speaks On Botched Stage Jump