With the release of the complete tracklist and latest leak “Otis”, anticipation for Jay-Z and Kanye West’s Watch the Throne album has reached fever-pitch levels. Now, one of the album’s featured songwriters, Verse Simmonds, sheds a bit of light on the upcoming album and the Roc Boys’ wide range of musical influences.
According to a recent interview with MTV, Simmonds revealed that Hov and ‘Ye looked to the dubstep genre for one of the album’s songs, titled “Who Gon’ Stop Me.” Simmonds, who wrote the chorus to the track, explained that he and co-producer/Jugganauts partner Sak Pase came up with the song’s concept after a discussion about the rising influence of dubstep on modern music.
“What we did is, we locked in a week, we just went crazy on everything Jay and Kanye,” Simmonds told MTV News. “I remember telling Sham, I was like, ‘Yo, I think this dubstep stuff is going to be the next new flavor that everybody gotta be on. It gotta have a Hip Hop feel to it still’…we started creating the track, and it just started to come crazy, so we came up with the concept. It was like, ‘Who gon stop me, huh? Black cards, black cars, whole lot of money.'”
Simmonds also discussed the chorus that he penned for the Hip Hop legends. He explained that he tapped into Jay and Kanye’s creative flair and lyrical patterns to create the hook.

“When I recorded it, everybody was like, ‘Yo, you sound just like Kanye, you sound just like Jay-Z,'” he recalled. “It’s just crazy, because I felt like, at that moment in time, I was them. I got into that mode of: ‘What would these guys say? How would they say it?’ I think they heard it the first time and loved it.”
The full interview can be seen below.
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