VH1 is reviving its popular documentary series Behind the Music, prepping seven new episodes to air on the network. The show, which returns in June, is set to feature hourlong episodes on Missy Elliott, Ice Cube, Mary J. Blige, Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Adam Lambert and Miranda Lambert.

“Behind the Music: Missy Elliott” will serve as this season’s first episode, airing on June 29th at 10 p.m. EST. Her episode follows her career from her first stint in the group Da Bassment to becoming a millionaire by the age of 25. During the show, the Virginia native opens up about her battle with Graves disease, being molested as a child and rumors. The episode will feature appearances from and interviews with Ciara, Timbaland and Mary J. Blige.

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Ice Cube’s episode will air the following week on July 6th. His show digs into his South Central Los Angeles roots and his experiences as part of the group N.W.A. Interviews with Snoop Dogg, DJ Yella and Nia Long will be included in the episode.

For Mary J. Blige’s special, the Queen of Hip-Hop/Soul looks back on her difficult past and how she linked up with Sean “Diddy” Combs. The show will feature interviews with Nas, Diddy, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, her husband Kendu Isaacs and her sister LaTonya Blige Dacosta.

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