Fans of Uncle Luke from back in the day may never have envisioned the rapper dropping his playboy image. After getting married, it appears that the former 2 Live Crew member is distancing himself even further from it, having taken an assistant football coaching position at Miami Central High.

“I’m happy and proud of what we accomplished but that part of my life is over,” said Luke to the Bellingham Herald of his former group. “The entertainer – I left him on stage.”
“I don’t tolerate cursing or the N-word,” he elaborated. But what of the ladies? Surely someone with Luke’s legendary penchant for the fairer sex has some tips. “I tell them, ‘Don’t ever disrespect a girl because that makes you less than a man.’ And ‘Pick the girl who is responsible, not the one with Fs on her report card. Easy to get in, hard to get out. I’ve lived that life.’

“Football players got the same rep I got – you think your stuff don’t stink, you’re the arrogant, spoiled star. I tell them, ‘Be nice to your teachers. Sit in the front row. Keep your grades up.'”

C.J. Gaines, an 18-year-old wide receiver for the Miami Central High Rockets, has played for Luke since he was 10, and credits his coach for straightening him out.

“He opens his house up whenever we need a break from the streets for a night or two, and he’ll feed us, help us with homework,” Gaines said. “He says, ‘Make your mother proud. Think about your future.'”
“I don’t see him as a rapper,” Gaines said. “I see him as a father.”