Rapper Snoop Dogg will be able to step foot in the U.K. now that he has finally won an immigration battle with the country’s government.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the court’s decision to rule in favor of Snoop will lift the three-year long ban the rapper had on entering the country.

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“We are disappointed by the tribunal’s decision in this case,” said the Home Office in a statement to the Wall Street Journal.

Snoop was initially banned form the U.K. after an incident at Heathrow Airport involving Snoop and his entourage. That incident combined with Snoop’s other offenses was enough for the U.K. to place their ban on the rapper.

In other news, fans and members of a particular genre of music that is inspired by the Insane Clown Posse are upset about how an episode of “Law & Order” depicted their genre of music.

The episode of “Law & Order,” which aired Monday (March 1) of this week, focused on Horrorcore music and violence.

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A number of Juggalo artists logged on to social networking sites like Twitter and MySpace to express their disappointment with the “Law & Order” episode.

“I understand that the show deals with criminal matters, but to take our whole musical genre and following and peg us as the kind of people who would put steak knives to little kids necks is taking it WAY toooooo far,” said Juggalo band Twizted via Twitter.