Last week, a sighting of an MF DOOM impostor was spotted and subsequently booted from Rock The Bells in San Bernardino, California. Speculation has since stated that the incident was orchestrated by DOOM‘s management to fulfill show obligations. This weekend, the real veteran emcee and producer behind the mask may be getting another boot of sorts, from DJ Kno of The Cunninlynguists [click to read].
On a blog on his label QN5‘s website, Kno wrote “An Open Letter To MF Doom,” criticizing the former KMD frontman for disappointing fans in a number of ways over the years. Included examples are missing shows, lip syncing, repackaging remixed material as new and charging $300 for his MF DOOMDunks with Nike.
One paragraph states, “Yeah, you’re the “villain” or whatever gimmick you use to sell records.
I’ve even seen a couple people calling this fiasco “brilliant”. Oh, the
sweet Rap Snack™-flavored irony of anti-mainstream types letting this
slide by deeming it “genius marketing”. Genius marketing? Beanie
Babies, Hannah Montana, Girls Gone Wild. Those are examples of genius
marketing. This looks like a lazy or medically incapacitated individual
duping his most dedicated fans repeatedly to the tune of a few thousand
dollars while those that also stand to profit (read: labels, friends
and booking agents) scuttle around attempting to make excuses for him
before the loot dries up.”
The entire piece can be read [click here].

Kno has produced for Pack FM, Braille and Celph Titled among others.