Young Dolph’s family has broken their silence regarding the murder of the 36-year-old rapper/CEO. In an emailed statement, they started with a quote from Jungle Book author Rudyard Kipling as they tried to express the amount of pain they’re currently experiencing.
“If you can talk with the crowd and keep your virtue, or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run- Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it, And-which is more-you’ll be a man my son.” – Rudyard Kipling
The statement continues, “There are no words that exist, that sufficiently express the pain we are feeling as a family. Losing Adolph, Dolph, Man-Man, changes our lives forever. And while we will take each day as it comes, we are comforted in knowing that he leaves a legacy that reflects his heart. A heart that was for his family. A heart that was for the people.
“We are grateful for the outpouring of love. We are grateful that his godly obligation to show kindness to the world is being acknowledged. As a family, we were blessed to call him our son, our nephew, our brother, our cousin, our partner and our Father. And now, we have the honor of calling him our angel. A role he has always played.”

Meanwhile, the Memphis Police Department is asking the community for patience as they work on solving the case. According to WREG3 News,Memphis Police Chief CJ Davis is warning people not get their information from social media.
“Right now, I think the community needs to understand that social media is fueling with a number of rumors and innuendo not just about this investigation but various other investigations,” she said.
Wednesday (November 24) marks a full week since Young Dolph was shot and killed as he was visiting his favorite bakery, Makeda’s Homemade Cookies. While no suspects have been found, police believe they discovered the white Mercedes-Benz used in the murder. The vehicle, which was located in the Orange Mound neighborhood over the weekend, has also been linked to a double shooting in nearby Covington.
“Trust that we are working on this case and we don’t really have any updated information that we can share right now,” Chief CJ Davis said. “We are always concerned about the public and we want them to know that we believe the community is safe when it relates to this particular case.”

Even so, violence has continued to plague the community in the wake of Dolph’s death. One man was shot near a makeshift memorial for Dolph on November 18, while another man was killed just feet away from where the Mercedes was found. Police are encouraging anyone with information to call CrimeStoppers at (901) 528-CASH or submit a tip online.