For reasons currently unknown, Terry Crews has decided to become a vigilante against beloved Atlanta strip club Magic City.
In a since-deleted tweet on Thursday (August 27), the America’s Got Talent host called for a boycott against the exotic dance club and threw in the hashtag #BlackLoveMatter for a little razzle dazzle at the end. Naturally, people found his random post absurd and proceeded to take him to task over it, including Atlanta residents Bow Wow, J.I.D and Trouble.
“Aye bruh u been on some flu ass shit lately,” Bow wrote to Crews. “Leave ATL out yo mouth! Magic is a staple here and it ain’t going nowhere. Just keep doing the robot and save yo self the public embarassment #myBROTHA.”
“All this shit going on and this nigga talking about boycotting black women making money,” J.I.D commented. “Id fade yo big white washed ass.”

Trouble chimed in on Instagram.
“@terrycrews #OnLord Dey kno Ion give af Bout no nigga wit no muscles yall Be soft az ah Bitxh to me!!” he wrote with a screenshot of Crews’ tweet. “I don Beat up toooo many niggaz like you! In real life!! I swea i’ll knock u str8 out Bitxh azz Boy! U stay talkin down on Black people! How TF u tryna Boycott @magiccityatlanta ( A Black Owned Business full of Black people hustlin to feed dey fam ) when the other side keep killin us for nothin!! Hate u ho azz niggaz dawg I swea. Set it up an im wiit it no kizzy!”
Crews has made headlines in recent months for his statements discrediting the Black Lives Matter movement when he said it could lead to a state of “Black supremacy.” He also made an attempt to reclaim the word “coon” with the acronym, Conquer Our Own Negativity.
Rick Ross even called Crews out over his statements on his new song “Pinned To The Cross,” rapping, “Terry Crews is another coon who was basically bought.” Crews seems to enjoy the attention, however, replying to a fan asking how felt about the Ross track with, “FAMOUS.”