Ok so obviously I want to keep this entry G-Unit free today as a lot of y’all were a lil upset with my gossip the other day. So anyhow here are a few more juicy bones for you to sink your teeth into.

Foxy is gonna have to calm her ass down and pronto, turns out Ms. Brown is pregnant with her first child. So all this running on the streets beating up on people will have to stop. Not appropriate behavior for a woman in her condition, but God help her man who she is supposed to be marrying in September as her hormones are bad enough at the nest of times without pregnancy thrown into the mix.

Apparently Kanye West has literally just stopped recording and re-recording for Graduation this week. He admits he just doesn’t know when to stop recording and had he not wrapped it up when he did he wouldn’t be dropping on the 11th after all. I also heard that his girlfriend Alexis is becoming very friendly with Kim Kardashian…he needs to check his girl on that.

And the question I am going to leave you all with today ‘Is Weezy really caught up with Superhead?’ She is making out that there is something going on between her and Wayne, in her blog and recent interviews, yet I heard he was working it out with Trina and with all the shit he got from ‘kissing’ his Daddy would he really go mess with this chick who always has her mouth open? Or is this her way to get attention?

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