As if the Sunday Service events aren’t enough of an indication, Kanye West appears to be heavily leaning toward being a full-time Christian rapper. In July, Nicki Minaj told her Queen Radio audience Ye was now a born-again Christian. 

According to a new Apologia Studios interview with Kanye’s pastor Adam Taylor, he was also a Hail Mary away from quitting rap because it’s “the devil’s music.”

“One time, he told me that he wasn’t going to rap,” Taylor says near the 23:30-mark. “I said, ‘Why not?’ He said, ‘That’s the devil’s music.’ I said, ‘Hey, man. Rap is a genre. You can rap for God.’

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“I think he was already thinking about it a little bit, but I definitely said, ‘Hey, bro. I think you need to use your talents that God’s given you and use that platform for God.'”

Taylor and Ye began their spiritual work together in May when Kanye became a member of the West’s Placerita Bible Church parish.

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In a new trailer for his upcoming IMAX movieJesus Is King: A Kanye West Film, he says, “I’m not here for your entertainment. I’m an evangelist,” a clear indication of where his head is these days.