The war wages on. Yes, 50 Cent is still going after Young Buck after weeks of social media taunting. This time, he’s taking aim at Buck’s music by removing his “Road Trip” video from YouTube.
In what appears to be retaliation for some of Buck’s recent comments, he filed for copyright infringement and had the clip taken down. The Power exec shared an Instagram post on Monday (May 6) showing off his handiwork.
“This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by G-Unit Records, Inc.,” the screenshot read.
In the caption, the always trolling Fiddy added, “Check out Bucks New Video. Fofty I want my money Monday’s.”

Of course, it didn’t take long for Buck to catch wind of 50’s latest power move (no pun intended). In another Instagram post, the G-Unit affiliate threw it right back in 50’s face.
“Big #Fofty Say I Owe Him Some Check,” he said in the caption. “Tell Him #OpenTheBooks Compulsive The Ep Out Now. #Defamation Otw.”
The friction between 50 and Buck sparked up again last month after Buck asked to be let out of his contract with G-Unit Records. From there, the Get Rich Or Die Tryin’ architect, once again, accused Buck of having a transsexual relationship, urging him to admit he’s a homosexual.
Buck, of course, adamantly denied it.