Puma has served Forever 21 with a design patent, trade dress, and copyright infringement lawsuit over Rihanna’s Fenty Creeper, Bow Slide and Fur Slide design emulations, according to papers obtained by TMZ.
The Bow Slide slippers were released less than a month ago and the knock-off version is already available.
The other two designs also look very similar.
The suit claims the replicated shoe designs Forever 21 created are shameless rip-offs of the rather hard to obtain sneaker, which is usually sold out within minutes of them being available for sale online.

Puma keeps stock on the Rihanna Fenty designs purposely low to manufacture a demand for the product, which the company says is being toyed with by Forever 21s bootlegged versions.
Since Forever 21 is messing with Puma’s coins, the sneaker giant is now pursuing preliminary and permanent injunctive relief as well as demanding all profits and damages incurred by Forever 21’s imitations.
Rih helped the German shoewear company create the wildly popular and profitable platform and slipper footwear. She was named Puma’s creative director in 2014.