Lil B apologized for dissing The Weeknd on “4 Tha Record.”
In an interview with ILY, the Berkeley, California rapper says that he blasted the singer because of something that happened on social media.
“I want to apologize and take back saying, ‘Fuck The Weeknd,'” Lil B says. “I said it for no reason and thought about why back when I said it. It’s because he un-followed me on Twitter and I felt weird about that, and I thought back to that moment and said, ‘Why’d I do that?’ That’s not right. The Weeknd is a good guy—I talked to him before everything really blew up, and he told me how he felt. I definitely want to apologize about what I said about The Weeknd, and I want him to know that. I’m not scared to admit if I’m wrong, after I analyze it. If I feel that I’m wrong or there’s somebody that I love and trust that says that I’m wrong, I can accept that and bring that to a discussion. I’m not afraid to learn.”
In addition to his comments about The Weeknd, Lil B, who has 1.23 million Twitter followers, is often known for expressing his discontent in the sports world through the BasedGod curse, which he has placed on Kevin Durant, James Harden and others. He further explains the use of the curse.

“The curses span from relationships to businesses to anybody that’s being dishonest and fake in different ways,” he says. “I know the BasedGod is protecting me and Lil B, but it’s all about staying real.”
In general, Lil B does not want to let negativity define his perspective, but he says he seeks to put love out in his music and interactions with others.
“It feels good to love and it feels good to put love out there,” he says. “I’m just a big fan of supporting love, and you’ve got to give it to the people and put it out there in the earth. You’ve got to put love out in order for it to come back.”
(This article was first published on November 4, 2015 and is as follows.)

Although Lil B’s more accustomed to putting his famed BasedGod Curse on athletes, the most recent being Houston Rockets guard James Harden, the Berkeley, California rapper appears to be annoyed with Canadian crooner The Weeknd.
Throughout a newly released song titled “4 Tha Record,” Lil B takes aim at The Weeknd numerous times.
“Call me Lil Bars with the XO Bars / Saying fuck The Weeknd, I can’t sing that soft,” he raps.
Lil B goes on to repeatedly rap the following line: “A lot of suckas fake, so I can’t respect it / Fuck The Weeknd, put that on record.”

Lil B’s disapproval of The Weeknd doesn’t appear to be anything new either. The rapper sent out the following tweet last December:
“4 Tha Record” is set to feature on Lil B’s forthcoming mixtape, Thugged Out Pissed Off.
The music video for Lil B’s “4 Tha Record” can be viewed below:
For additional Lil B coverage, watch the following DX Daily: