A benefit concert honoring the deaths of a child and young man was shut down minutes after it began, according to the Chicago Tribune. Chief Keef, who appeared via hologram, performed “I Don’t Like” before police shut off the power and kicked out concertgoers.
Authorities say that they warned promoters that the concert, held at Wolf Lake Pavilion in Hammond, Indiana, would be shut down if Chief Keef performed.
“We spoke to the promoter several times, and they assured us [Chief Keef] would not be performing,” police commander Pat Vicari says. “Later, an officer working the show realized it was being streamed on one of the Hip Hop sites, and promoters were warned again they would be shut down.”
Chief Keef Appears At Concert Via Hologram
The concert was streamed at filmon.tv. Chief Keef appeared as a hologram because of outstanding warrants in the Midwest. He performed from Beverly Hills, California.

“Shame on the mayor and police chief of Hammond for shutting down a voice that can create positive change in a community in desperate need,” Alki David, CEO of the hologram company, says. “And for taking away money that could have gone to help the victims’ families. This was a legal event and there was no justification to shut it down besides your glaring disregard for the first amendment right to free speech. Mark my words, if you censor us you only make us stronger.”
The concert was moved to be a part of Craze Fest after Redmoon Theater, the original host venue, postponed the concert earlier this month. Lil Bibby, Tink and RiFF RAFF were among the performers at the day-long festival.
The relocation of the concert was announced via a post on Chief Keef’s Instagram, which was later removed.
The show was benefitting the families of 1-year-old Dillan Harris and 22-year-old Marvin Carr, who were killed in Chicago.

Carr, known by the stage name “Capo,” was an emerging rapper and Chief Keef affiliate.
For additional Chief Keef coverage, watch the following DX Daily: