Praising Kanye West just got to a whole new level.
Recently, an Etsy user decided to celebrate Easter by making available his own scripture through The Book Of Yeezus, a revisionist history of Kanye and his holy influence on pop culture.
“In the beginning Kanye created the heaven and the Earth… And Kanye said, Let there be light: and there was light,” a segment of the book says. It also claims that Kanye’s actions both as a celebrity and in music has created a “religious experience.”
For $20, anyone can procure the novel that rewrites the book of Genesis and replaces every mention of “God” with “Kanye” and “Y—-A” with “Yeezus.” The book also reflects the importance of social media in people’s lives by mentioning that “in a foreword, we explore our consumerist, quick-fix, and information-culture, and celebrate Kanye and the outsized significance he plays in our lives.”

Get your copy of The Book Of Yeezus here.
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