While doing the press rounds for the release of his sophomore album, Kendrick Lamar spoke to MTV’s Rob Markman and revealed that “To Pimp A Butterfly” was not the project’s original title.
During the conversation, the Compton, California rapper noted that although he had the concept for the project locked down from the beginning, he wasn’t sure about the title until further on down the line.
“I knew that was gonna be the concept [but] I didn’t know if that was gonna be the title,” he said.
The TDE rapper goes on to say that he was highly impressed when a string of journalists from DeadEndHipHop came across the original title during a recent roundtable review of the album.

“Tu Pimp A Caterpillar, that was the original name and they [DeadEndHipHop] caught it because the abbreviation was Tupac, Tu-P-A-C,” K. Dot says.
Continuing, Lamar explained why he later changed it to butterfly.
“Me changing it to Butterfly, I just really wanted to show the brightness of life and the word pimp has so much aggression and that represents several things,” he said. “For me, it represents using my celebrity for good. Another reason is, not being pimped by the industry through my celebrity.”
Kendrick Lamar’s interview with MTV can be viewed below:
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