Amber Rose has responded to the comment Kanye West made during an interview with The Breakfast Club today (February 20) that he needed to take “30 showers” after being with Rose and starting a relationship with his now-wife Kim Kardashian.
“Wait 30 showers? But Kim let RayJ nut on her…. Never mind,”Rose wrote on Twitter today, likely referring to Kardashian’s sex tape with then-boyfriend Ray J.
Rose added that she’s a good-natured person.
“I’m always so quiet and just a cool fun girl. The funny thing is I’m all for a woman making something out of nothing,”she wrote on twitter.

“Ppl make mistakes in life trust me I have. But when u bully other ppl and ur not perfect its so fucked. I own up to every piece of my life,”she adds.
Amber Rose is slated to release a tell-all book about her life later this year.
Her tweets regarding Kanye West from today are as follows:
For additional Amber Rose coverage, watch the following DX Daily: