Following a preliminary hearing singer/rapper CeeLo Green attended in regards to an ecstasy possession charge he was struck with late last year, the Atlanta, Georgia musician took to Twitter to share his thoughts on what he feels is and isn’t considered rape.
According to, CeeLo reportedly tweeted the following:
“People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!” and “If someone is passed out they’re not even WITH you consciously! so WITH Implies consent.”
BuzzFeed News reports that after being confronted by numerous Twitter users over his comments about rape, CeeLo then began to erase his tweets on the matter. Screenshots of several of the musician’s deleted tweets can be found below.
Prior to deleting and then restoring his Twitter account and also deleting all of his tweets, CeeLo offered an apology via the social networking site.

“Let me 1st praise god for exoneration fairness & freedom! Secondly I sincerely apologize for my comments being taken so far out of context,” CeeLo said in his tweets, according to BuzzFeed News. “I only intended on a healthy exchange to help heal those who love me from the pain I had already caused from this. Please forgive me as it…was your support that got me thru this to begin with. I’d never condone the harm of any women. Thank you.”
In October of last year, CeeLo was cleared of a sexual assault charge stemming from an incident in which a female companion of his claimed the singer/rapper put a substance in her drink without her knowledge before the two had sexual relations.
CeeLo was later struck with an ecstasy possession charge after his accuser gave authorities a tape recording of the musician discussing ecstasy.
September 2, 2014

UPDATE: CeeLo has released another Twitter post regarding this matter.
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