It doesn’t seem to be the Best of Both Worlds to The Humane Society who is upset with Jay-Z for his award winning video “99 Problems”. The Humane Society feels Jay-Z was “irresponsible “ in showcasing a scene of pitbulls fighting in his video. According to allhiphop, John Goodwin the investigator for The Humane Society said, “Jay-Z is just another rapper caught up in the blood rapture” of a cruel and illegal practice that is a threat to inner city residents.

“It’s a form of animal cruelty that’s illegal in all 50 states for a reason”, he continued. “A closer look reveals its crucial links to the more common forms of violence and misconduct deplored by Hip-Hop’s critics. Young people often mirror the actions of the celebrities they idolize. Artists who insist on spreading these images through their work must accept their roles in perpetuating community violence”. Jay-Z or the producer of the video has given no comment. Currently Jay-Z is on the tour circuit with R. Kelly with their long awaited “Best of Both Worlds” tour and will be re-releasing their album “Best of Both Worlds, Unfinished Business” later this month.