Nelly’s Pimp Juice isn’t just handing out extra energy anymore. The company will now be sponsoring a P.I.M.P scholarship awards program to benefit two recipients. The Fillmore Street Brewery’s P.I.M.P(Positive Intellectually Motivated Person) Scholars Program is looking for students who are entering their sophomore, junior or senior year of college that not only achieves success in academics but in extracurricular activities.

One male and one female will be selected to receive a $5000.00 award. To apply submit an online application to and fillout a brief essay. Once the top twenty five candidates’ have been selected, they will be contacted to send further information. The online contest will begin August 11th, and end on December 29, 2004. The scholarships will be handed out in January of 2005. In other Nelly news his new double album “Sweat” and “Suit” will hit stores on September 14th. Releasing one single from each album, “Flap Your Wings” and “My Place” have been getting heavy radio and television airplay.