Public Enemy and reality TV’s Flavor Flav will stand trial on two felony charges. reports that a Las Vegas, Nevada judge found that there was enough evidence that the legendary hype-man threatened his girlfriend’s 17-year-old son with a butcher knife for Flav to stand trial.
An arraignment is scheduled for April 18 on felony charges of assault with a weapon and child endangerment.
The report indicates that Flav is expected to plead no guilty.

If convicted, Flavor Flav faces up to 12 years in prison.
Flav reportedly got into an argument with his fiancee and her son in his home. He was later released on $23,000 bail.
(April 10) reports that Flavor Flav’s trial dates have been set. The Public Enemy member will appear on September 30 in a Clark County District Court in Las Vegas, Nevada. Yesterday (May 7), Flav entered a not-guilty plea. This came after a Nevada State Court judge ruled that there was not enough information to go to trial.

RELATED:Flavor Flav Arrested For Assault With A Deadly Weapon