If Notorious B.I.G.’s interviews and accounts of his life are to be believed, the late rapper was not a saint. Like many emcees before and since, Biggie earned money in the drug game before rising to stardom.
Perhaps it was with the goal of putting themselves in the mindset of a criminal, then, that spurred the writer and the producer of “Ready 2 Die,” a musical about B.I.G., to steal over $800 from a Barnes & Noble.
According to ctpost.com, “Ready 2 Die” playwright Alfred “Paper Love” Green and “Ready 2 Die” producer Raheim Pope, both Brooklynites like Big, face larceny charges after police say they were spotted stealing $868 worth of books from the book store.
Pope faces charges of fifth-degree larceny, fifth decry conspiracy to commit larceny, and interfering with an officer. He was released after posting a $5,000 appearance bond.

Green was charged with fifth-degree criminal attempt at larceny, and fifth-degree conspiracy to commit larceny. He pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Among the books stolen were nine sets of the erotic Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, three copies of Soula Coaster, the Diary of Me, by R. Kelly, and one copy of Murder Mamas.
The musical was to launch in March, but there has been no mention of the show’s opening.
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