After releasing his latest mixtape, 50 Cent explained the meaning behind 5. In an interview with MTV, the Queens emcee said he feels good about releasing this free tape for his fans before his actual fifth album Street King Immortal. He also shared that he feels he now has “full support” from Interscope.
“What I’m releasing right now is a part of me wanting music out during the middle of the summer,” he said. “I had a plan for myself: I wanted to have the new record come out during my birthday.”
He also added that he doesn’t need any support from his label for this release.
“I don’t really need label support for this project,” he noted. “It’s about the actual music, and I don’t think people buy what record label you’re on; I think they buy music or buy into the actual artist themselves.”

While he may not need label support for this project, he also shared more about Interscope. Fif added that he now feels he has “full support” from his label.
“They’re in full support of me now. We cleared up audit issues. That’s always an issue, when you get to the final album or the final requirement you end up going through the books with everything that you’ve done,” he explained. “Once those things are resolved, everyone is ready to get back to work, and that’s where we’re at.”
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