Another rapper has become a victim to the no profanity clause used on the Caribbean Island. DMX also known as Earl Simmons was arrested on the island of St. Kitts and Nevis after performing at a four-day concert this past weekend where authorities say he used profanity after they told him not to. DMX was arrested and released about 45 minutes after posting $376.00 bail.

DMX’s manager Angelo Ellerbee said the contract did not mention profanity but they were told that profanity could be used in the text of the song. “They clearly said to me and [DMX] one hour before he went onstage that he can use profanity in the structure, in the artistry, of his delivery of his music”, he told MTV. In the body of the contract, there was nothing about profanity, or what the structure of the show needed to be. This was mentioned verbally, and not a part of the contractual understanding.”

The Information Minister of St. Kitts, Jacinth Henry said, “There was a contract signed in which it was made very clear long before the arrival of the artists that there are laws in St. Kitts that do not take kindly to the use of indecent language on stage”. DMX was due back in front of the Basseterre Magistrate Court on June 30th but he did not show. Before he left the island on Saturday DMX said, “”I’ll go to court on Monday,” he said before leaving. “I just want to thank all my fans for showing the support they did show. “It feels good to get out of jail, but it feels a thousand percent better when you get out of jail to see everybody say they love you.”