Montreal rapper Paul “Bad News Brown” Frappier was found dead Saturday, in what local authorities believe was a homicide. No arrests have been made, and officials have yet to formally identify the cause of death. However, the Montreal Gazette reports local police stated Frappier sustained head injuries and at least one policeman told Frappier’s girlfriend he was shot.
“It is very disturbing and surprising, we don’t know why this happened,” Ronald Mungal told the Gazette. Mungal mentored local children with Frappier as part of the Burgundy Urban Mediation Project. “We all knew him in our own way and we want to find some way to remember him.”
Reports say Frappier, 33, was with his girlfriend until about 10 p.m. on Friday, when he left to go meet someone. He was not seen again until a couple found his corpse while walking in a nearby industrial area.
Performing as Bad News Brown, Frappier made a name for himself by incorporating a harmonica into his act. He previously opened for the likes of Snoop Dogg and 50 Cent when such artists toured locally. In addition to his contribution to Montreal’s Hip Hop community, Frappier was active in youth mentoring and was also cast in the film Bumrush.

“In addition to being one of the first rappers from Quebec to reach international acclaim, Bad News Brown has certainly left a mark on everyone who knew him,” said Frappier’s manager Henry Gelot.