According to a familiar cliché, a picture is worth a thousand words. Your favorite celebrities—including rappers—are doing less and less press, but luckily their thumbs and smartphones still work. Instagram has provided a way for them to document their lives and/or thoroughly embarrass themselves for our collective enjoyment. The beauty of it all is that you don’t even need to join Instagram, as most rappers are perfectly fine leaving their feeds open for public viewing. And if you’d rather avoid the IG life altogether, we’ve filtered through the top rapper’s pictures and videos and consolidated all the week’s events into one convenient feed.
This week, Kim Kardashian takes North West to visit Kanye West in the studio and Wiz Khalifa uploads the ultimate Woman Crush Wednesday post. Check the rest of the week’s top Instagram posts below.
Kanye Does Things: Take Your Daughter To Work Day Edition

According to Google, the original “Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day” took place on Thursday, April 24. But since Kanye West and Kim Kardashian rent out Ferris wheels for one-year-olds’ birthday parties, they also could care less about celebrating a made-up holiday on the wrong date. Kim, future author of a 352-page hardcover selfie book, took baby North West to see dad Kanye hard at work in the studio. He made just enough time to pose with Nori (who makes the most adorable faces) for a quick flick that landed at the top of the list.
Teaser To Nicki Minaj’s Video That’s About To Shut Down The Internet
So far, “Anaconda” has a video teaser and a vlog on the making of the music video, which pretty much acts as a second video teaser. Nicki’s thonged angels show off impressive moves in the video clip, enough for Nicki to describe them as “so cute.” I wonder what else is cute in Nicki’s world. With a meme-worthy cover art, NSFW video that even haters of the song will watch and an easily recognizable Sir Mix-A-Lot-approved sample, “Anaconda” is expected to be Nicki’s biggest commercial hit off “The Pink Print,” due some time in 2014.

T.I. Sips Tea With Kermit But That’s None Of Our Business
The greatest on-going meme of 2014 (in my opinion) is the sassy Kermit sipping tea “But that’s not of my business” meme. Because he’s the Kang, T.I. blew everyone’s mind and reenacted the meme, sipping tea pinky up with Kermit the Frog during his guest appearance on “The View.” “Summa y’all #mediocres more worried bout my goings on than u is about ya own…. But that ain’t none of my business so…..I’ll just #SipTeaForKermit #ifitaintaboutdamoney #2sugarspleaseFollow,” he wrote.
Straight Outta Compton Cast Photo Shoot

Ice Cube wrote, “Congrats to the cast and crew of #straightouttacompton for starting principal photography today!” Straight Outta Compton, N.W.A’s upcoming biopic, features a cast of newcomers playing Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Eazy-E and more. Ice Cube’s son, O’Shea Jackson Jr., will be playing the role of his father, Corey Hawkins will be playing the role of Dre and Jason Mitchell will be playing the role of Eazy-E. In an interview with NME, Ice Cube said that filming for the film that is set to be released in 2015 begins “next week.”
Drake Brings Mom To OVO Fest Stage
Earlier this week, Drake took some time to reflect and toast to the 5-year anniversary of OVO Fest. The Toronto rapper brought his mother in her wheelchair to the stage (after all, there would literally be no him without her) and told the crowd that this year was “about to be a muthafucka.” Word has it that he quickly turned to his mom and apologized for his language. Kanye brings his daughter to work, Drake brings his mom to work, it’s all love.

Lil Boosie Wears A World Wonder Around His Neck
It’s not everyday a rapper can stunt with a world wonder casually located around his neck. Judging from the size of the massive Jesus piece – more like a Christ the Redeemer piece – the gold statue is about half the size of Boosie’s chest. The thick gold links holding up the miniature golden Brazilian statue look heavy but possibly are designed to provide better support for Boosie’s neck and good chest placement for the chain. If I’m going to spend my life savings on a golden Jesus statue chain, it better be the most comfortable Jesus statue chain ever.
Wiz Khalifa Posts His #WCW [NSFW]

Nothing says “I love you” more than a #WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday for those of you who didn’t know) post. Obviously, that was going on through WIz Khalifa’s mind as he snapped a picture of his wife Amber Rose getting ready in front of her personal vanity mirror in her lace undies. No big deal. Actually, it was. It looks like Wiz was too busy WCWing to remember that he had to appear before an El Paso judge (remember the infamous jail selfie?) which later led to an arrest warrant. Oops.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: LIV – “Sorry Mrs. Carter”
If you haven’t seen LIV rap “Sorry Mrs. Cater” in full video form, you have LIVed. Get it? Horrible joke but slightly better than the music video which you can watch here. Her caption: “Sipping on some WINE from my Champagne glass now #Cheers #YesLIVcan #TheINVASIONhasBEGUN #SorryMrsCarter #BROOKLYN STAND UP #BedStuy #CrownHeights #FlatBush #WilliamsBurg …. #CHICAGO STAND UP #UniversityPark #HydePark #SouthSide #LakeShoreDrive #Detroit #SouthBeachMiami #Haiti #SakPase #IndependentArtistWorkHardest.” Someone make it stop.

Meanwhile Beyonce & Jay Z Take Off In Their Private Jet
Sorry Mrs. Carter? It looks like Bey has nothing to worry about as she shared a family picture of her hubby, daughter and Carter private jet. “Thank you San Fran! Your city is beautiful. It was the perfect place to complete the best tour of my life! Thank you to all the fans that supported our show. God bless,” wrote Beyoncé. The Carters have yet to address LIV’s video and song but I have a feeling they’ll just hop back in their jet and skydive into a sea of a hundred millions that were earned during the “On The Run” tour.
Adam “Pacman” Jones Does Not Think Ludacris Is Funny

So you see, Luda was making a harmless lady-breaks-man’s-neck joke and included a picture of Jones, who underwent neck surgery in 2010, wearing a neck brace in his picture collage. See it was all fun and games until Cincinnati Bengals cornerback Adam “Pacman” Jones wrote on his Instagram account, “@ludacris nice post , now when I see you I’m beat your ass …. Now post that #pussy.” Ludicrous.