Kid Koala is probably best known to those who aren’t DJ aficionados as the man who was behind the decks on Deltron 3030. Others may have been lucky enough to hear his stunning 2000 debut, “Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.” Those who have heard the album, know a few things about Montreal’s Eric San: he is an incredible DJ, he is incredibly funny, and his albums come with some of the best artwork you’ll ever get with a CD. All those things stand true with this latest release, “Some of My Best Friends Are DJ’s.”
Unless you are a DJ, or some of your best friends are, it is often very hard to appreciate just how good a record like this is. Simply because you must understand exactly what it is the DJ is doing in order to fully understand how impressive it is. The albums finest moment comes with “Skanky Panky,” a track that shows off Koala’s turntable wizardry with a big smile, and a big ‘fuck you’ to those who say DJ’s aren’t musicians. For the most part though, Kid Koala is more concerned with displaying his sense of humor within his capabilities on the wheels of steel, rather than just the latter by itself. For instance, have you ever wondered what it would sound like if two sick DJ’s met on the street and had a conversation? Koala has, and he actually gives you an example complete with coughs and sneezes being cut and scratched. When you can do that and make it sound good, you know you are dope. Cause not only is it funny and technically good, but it sounds ill. Thankfully, Koala is never too busy to teach a robot to dance either. “Robochacha” may just make you want to get out of your seat too, man, women or machine.
This music on this CD is enough to warrant a purchase, but Koala and Ninja Tune offer much more than that. The album comes with a 50 page book of the Kid’s amusing artwork and storytelling, not to mention a cardboard mini-chess set complete with his zany caricatures as game pieces. Music, art, comedy, chess, all in one conveniently placed and well-priced package!?!? Just get the album, it will all be worth it when you hear that low pitch sea cow barking at you from a mile below the ocean.