Old skool MC’s seem to popping up more often then not nowadays. Either in cameo appearances with some of Hip Hop’s biggest names or in the forms of new albums far removed in years from their last one. This time the perpetrator is Grand Puba who has not released a solo album in some time.
In “Understand This” the title of Pu’s latest work, he reworks his style to sound relative to the new mainstream sound of hip hop. The album is personally reflective in nature, discussing everything from signing to major labels, as well as dealing with baby mama’s. Nice Production, smooth beats [in some cases], and the prerequisite guests [brother’s from Brand Nubian].
As fans of Pu’s music know, he has a real off beat voice to go with those off beat lyrics. It should be then seen as no suprise then that this fact can be a blessing or a curse if you’re listening to one of his albums. His albums can be a fun listen, but when the tone is switched to something that is a little heavier – it’s hard to take Pu seriously. Seriously. He just always sounds so lackadaisical.
Some songs that are worth highlighting: “All Day“, “Don’t Lie to me“, and “What’s up with it” featuring Sadat X, which is a great jam. No other way to describe it then Vintage Puba. Another track that falls into that last category is “Keep it movin” featuring Lord Jamar, which features a nice groove, and smooth listening.

Some quick notes, the title track: “Understand This” is quite gimmicky as are the skits and alot of the songs. As well, a song titled “Spazz Out 2“, must be on the wrong album because when you hear this, you’ll wonder if you’re listening to the right CD. No other word for this track but awkward in relation to the rest of the tracks.
Not a classic by any means, but fans of Pu’s will enjoy it, because it is a decent effort, if not a bit disappointing.