Many fans permanently tuned into the World Wide Web have already weighed in on Eminem’s [click to read] forthcoming release Relapse. The highly anticipated album leaked to the web nearly two weeks before its scheduled May 19 release. Early reactions included outrage from Nick Cannon [click to read] after one track took a shot at singer Mariah Carey and mixed reviews from other celebrities panned on the album.
However, one reviewer just wants Slim Shady to “grow up.”
Chicago Sun-Times reviewer Jim DeRogatis makes it clear that he has no love for the new-old Eminem. “Nothing in popular culture ages more quickly than carefully calculated outrage,” DeRogatiswrites in a review of Relapse that appears in today’s edition of the paper.
DeRogatis adds that Eminem spends half of the album looking for love and the other half asking for “understanding and sympathy for the drug problems that derailed his career.”

Ultimately, DeRogatis believes that Relapse, despite any forthcoming commercial successs, is the death knell in Eminem’s career.
“Well, that sabbatical was your opportunity to bow out if you really wanted to, Em old pal. Instead, you came back with a hackneyed retread that gives us no better idea of who the ‘real’ Marshall Mathers really is. And I for one don’t care to know.”