President-Elect Barack Obama admitted to collecting Spider-Man comics on the campaign trail. Now, Marvel Comics is returning the love, immortalizing Obama in an upcoming Spider-Man comic.

Amazing Spider-Man #583 will feature the web slinger’s alter ego, Peter Parker covering the inauguration before spotting two BarackObama’s. The Obama imposter turns out to be Spider-Man’s nemesis Chameleon, prompting Parker to spring into action.

After learning of Obama’s love for the wall crawler, MarvelComics’ Editor in Chief Joe Quesada couldn’t resist pairing the two figures together.

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“When we heard that President-elect Obama is a collector of Spider-Man comics, we knew that these two historic figures had to meet in our comics’ Marvel Universe,”Quesada stated. “A Spider-Man fan moving into the Oval Office is an event that must be commemorated in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man.”

According to Obama, he always opted for more true to life comic characters like Spider-Man and Batman. “I was always into the Spider-Man/Batman model. The guys who have too many powers—like Superman–that always made me think they weren’t really earning their superhero status. It’s a little too easy. Whereas Spider-Man and Batman, they have some inner turmoil. They get knocked around a little bit.”

DX won’t play spoiler and give away the rest of the story. The comic hits newsstands on Jan. 14.