The Roots survived a double-decker tour bust crash Wednesday (Nov. 19) night while driving though Paris.

Just hours ago, Roots member ?uestlove revealed to that the bus, complete with full lounge and bathroom on the first level, was flipped upside-down.

The news came just days after the group announced a temporary retirement from touring [click to read].

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?uestlove emailed Okayplayer, which he helped co-found, the details of the crash, which he wrote an hour after the crash.

In reality the crash was all of about 7 seconds,” wrote ?uestlove. “…but to do a 360 on
the highway and end up ramped up (the van that crashed into ours was
UNDER our double decker bus) in the air….is….well…a frigging miracle.

My first thought was not move a fucking inch,” he continued in the e-mail. “I always had fear that we
would fall off a cliff while in high mountain traveling like Denver or Switzerland. I couldn’t tell where gravity began and ended.

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The group was en route to a stop on the Glow in the Dark Tour in Paris, which ?questlove wrote would “be a miracle” if they made.

To conclude the e-mail, The Roots’ drummer wrote: “Til then just wanna let everyone know that we are happy to be alive.
and not in that tv cliche way….but man……that was divine
intervention. we are so grateful for this outcome