Those who know about organizations like Locks of Love know that many people around the world give their hair to children who have lost it due to long term hair loss as a result of many different reasons including cancer. One person who recently gave her hair up for this charitable cause is Dessa, a Minneapolis emcee and member of Doomtree [click to read].
She wrote about it through her blog and explained why she wanted to do this.
“The generous stylists at Head to Toe have agreed to help me make a donation to Locks of Love, the non-profit organization that makes hairpieces for children who have lost their hair,” she wrote.
“Those of you who attended my first CD release show may remember a young Cecil Otter cutting through my braid on stage. My False Hopes EP was pretty well-received, so I figured I oughta continue the tradition for subsequent releases.”

“Tonight I’ll be accompanied by two long-haired friends. We’ll down a glass of wine, and then cut off a sum total of about four feet of hair.“
Fans of the emcee/singer/songwriter can also get new material from the artist.
“This time around the cut will be to commemorate the release of my new, short book of creative non-fiction. If you are the reading type, please stop by the merch booth at the Blowout on December 6th.“
The “blowout” she is referring to is the annual Doomtree Blowout, a concert/showcase for their group members which will take place, as usual, in Minneapolis.