Some disturbing details have emerged in the murder of Archie Eversole. According to TMZ, the “We Ready” rapper was shot in the face as he slept but wasn’t able to identify his attacker.
Before Eversole succumbed to his injuries, he told police someone had broken into his bedroom and was awakened to find a shotgun in his face. Police asked Eversole if the shooter was still inside the residence and he nodded his head in agreement. Although officers asked who the shooter was, Eversole wouldn’t answer and started fading in and out of consciousness. Eversole died nine days later on April 3 at age 37.
Police soon discovered fresh blood covering the front door and a trail of it leading from the stairs to Eversole’s room where the blood-spattered door had been busted through. There was also blood all over the bed, pillows and wall. Eversole’s brother, Alexander Krause, initially told police he was simply checking on his brother. But they noticed he had blood on his socks and was limping (he said from a blister on his foot). Krause was ultimately arrested and charged with Eversole’s murder.

Curiously, WSBTV-2 Atlanta initially reported officers discovered Eversole suffering from a gunshot wound at a Chevron gas station on Snapfinger Woods Drive. Krause was arrested after the shooting and charged with aggravated assault, but his charges were upgraded to murder once Eversole died.