Bow Wow‘s latest performance has social media equal parts confused and upset.
The “Like You” rapper was in Houston on Friday (January 15) along with Meek Mill at Clé Houston as part of a celebrity birthday weekend. While Bow wasn’t the only artist performing inside the packed venue, fans quickly pointed out the lack of social distancing and lack of masks. Currently, Houston has a 20 percent positivity rate for COVID-19 and has set numerous records in the past week for the number of new cases.
Zach Despart, a writer for the Houston Chronicle, wrote on Twitter, “#Houston has a 20% positivity rate and they’ve discovered the more contagious UK COVID strain here. Risk that to see Bow Wow?”
Despart wasn’t alone in his thoughts regarding packed clubs in Houston amid the pandemic. Numerous fans on Twitter were quick to wonder if the pandemic would ever end if people were willingly taking time out of a Friday night to see Bow or Meek.

“These people went to the club IN A PLAGUE with no masks on TO SEE BOW WOW perform in 2021,” Kirk A. Moore, a native Houstonian and current writer for 50 Cent’sFor Life series on ABC wrote.
Another Twitter user wrote, “I can think of a million better ways to die… but to be struggling on a vent bc you went to see bow wow in the year of our lord 2021… that ain’t it.”
Currently, Texas has seen a massive spike in COVID-19 cases across the board, particularly in large cities such as Houston. As of Saturday (January 16), Harris County had reported 3,413 new cases of COVID-19 in the area and 38,655 confirmed new cases since January 2. Per the city’s COVID-19 dashboard, the city has nearly 19,000 active cases of COVID-19.
The recent string of celebrity pop up performances in clubs across the country can widely be blamed due to the pandemic. As touring and more came to a halt last March, the music industry posted a reported $30 billion loss in regards to cancelations, venue spaces not being used and more. Artists have instead side-stepped coronavirus concerns by performing and holding large gatherings such as birthday parties and album releases, all in the name of securing the bag.

In Bow Wow’s case, fans were vicious not only to clown the multi-platinum rapper but also to question risking their health while the world is still in the midst of a pandemic. Check out some of the more vicious reactions below.