Playboi Carti has been very busy lately teasing his long-awaited forthcoming album Whole Lotta Red. Carti originally announced the project way back in 2018, but fans’ patience is running thin since he’s pushed it back several times.
On Sunday (December 20), the Die Lit rapper took to his Twitter to give his fans another update on Whole Lotta Red letting them know the album is well worth the wait.
“mY b3sT w0rk YET,” Carti wrote on Twitter. “d0nT sL33p.”
The last time the Atlanta rapper told fans not to slumber on him, he released “@ MEH” back in April. Carti later followed that up with tweets showing him and Future filming a possible music video.

“@1future . THNK U . ITS A ViB3 red redR3d ! X,” the rapper tweeted.
The clips come after Carti had been revealing some of the big-name features that were going to show up on his album recently. In November, Carti shared a snippet of a Kanye West verse on Instagram and thanked him in the captions. He also posted a picture of himself hanging out with Kid Cudi while shouting him out for his recently released album Man On The Moon III: The Chosen on Instagram.
“i fL3w 2 bro ! toLD hiM hiS mUSic iS WORLd nEEdED . V3ry good GUY bEAUtiFUL sPirit,” Carti wrote in the caption. “HE wILL bE oN THis ALBuM . L0v3 hiM . W3 ALL do .”
On Saturday (December 19), Carti also revealed that Travis Scott was going to be on Whole Lotta Red. He dropped the news through a tweet on Saturday (December 19) showing his excitement over a verse La Flame sent him.

“@trvisXX . w0w aMaZinG . L0ve THis V3RSE . rEd rEd rEd !,” he tweeted.
With Kanye, Travis, Cudi and now Future thrown into the mix, it seems that Carti is pulling out all the stops for Whole Lotta Red. Hopefully, he pulls through since there’s still no official confirmation on the alleged Christmas day release date as reported by Akademiks on December 10.
“I literally sold my soul to get this info for Carti fans but I’m hearing Carti album isn’t dropping tonight but will drop on Christmas,” the media personality tweeted out. “And hearing Kanye the exec producer of it along with Matthew Williams from Givenchy. That’s the gift he got for y’all.. this exclusive info.”