Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls I do adore….DX Dirt gives you the deal on whats popping with the ladies right about now
Diddy has obviously money to burn quite literally. Turns out he is giving the Spice Girls a whopping eight million bucks to get their transport straight for when they go out on tour later this year.
1) Why?
2) Since when was Diddy so down with the Spice Girls?

3) Why?
4) What upgrading can you do to a fleet of greyhound buses that warrants eight mill spent on them?
5) Why?

6) Doesn’t he have to be dealing with his child support payments now he admitted to the baby down in Atlanta running round with a ‘lil Diddy smile’ is actually his?
Man his roster must feel happy when they see him wasting cash like that…NOT.
Larry Johnson is telling everyone that Beyonce has funky armpits…now he shares a crib with Jay Z which I find highly suspect anyway, so he would know..but damn just how close you gotta get to B to find this out?
Also keeping it with Jayonce…just in time for Xmas, they have brought out a cute Jay and Bey Barbie doll duo. Never seen Jay looking quite so handsome actually.

Did Beyonce decide to put out an album in November to try and compete with Mary J Blige? Well Mary ain’t having any of that…hers has been put back to December 11th..just in time for all those Xmas gifts. You know the chick from Yonkers don’t play no games. Bey out of her league on that one.
So Jenny from the block got herself knocked up …
Its official J Lo is pregnant with twins and had to come out and tell her secret earlier after Mark (forgot his last name..well anyway…) when Mark‘s ex and other baby momma started running her mouth to gossip columns saying J Lo was indeed pregnant and with twins. Talk about spoiling a surprise. I am sure the Lopez women ain’t taking that low blow.