The man the world loves to hate, Curtis Jackson, showed up on 106 and Park and had the place going wild. Well that audience is just happy that all that waiting for a ticket to get in the joint paid off. Fif did say “I don’t have no competition” when Rocsi introduced Kanye’s video but he refused to shoot himself in the foot when asked about first week numbers. Yeah… remember how Yayo did just that? Trina is saying she ain’t going to respond to the 50 diss, about her getting down with Buck while she was supposed to be loved up with Wayne. But keeping it in Trina news, pics are circulating of home girl wearing a Terror Squad chain. This isn’t the first time this has been talked about. Will she fair better than Remy we wonder?
Down in the “A” things have upset Big Boi who has put 50 gs up for any information pertaining to finding the culprits who robbed his wife’s clothing store. Turns out the store was hit not just once but twice and the thieves knew exactly what they were going after….a whole line of designer jeans…obviously people are keen to look fly in the “A” as T.I. has been reported at dropping half a mill on clothes. The ‘King’ who was being interviewed by the Louis Vuitton Don funnily enough for Complex magazine said he spends about that much a year. If you got it…WEAR IT!
The Queen B herself and Whitney’s cast off Ray J are keeping the paparazzi in LA busy. Obviously Whit is concentrating on this album the world has been waiting for, but has yet to receive (probably because the budget was used for other extra curricular activities) and subsequently she had to dump the budding porn star. But Kim isn’t holding that against Ray J obviously, who is rumored to have spent $25,000 on Kim in a shopping trip the other week on Rodeo Drive. Taking lessons from Tip I guess.
Until Friday

Keep it fly and flashy y’all